February 17, 2022 - Following the example of the Cenacles for Life movement in various parishes, Presentation-Sacred Heart Parish will sponsor a monthly time of dedicated prayer and mutual support for all supporters of the pro-life cause on the 22nd of every month at 10 a.m. at Presentation Church, located at 209 Hoyt Street, Port Ewen, New York. The first gathering will take place on Tuesday, February 22nd at 10 a.m. at Presentation Church.
The group, known as Prayer Warriors for Life, will be coordinated by Mrs.Barbara McCabe, who is also a Trustee of the parish. Commented Fr. Arthur Rojas, parish administrator, "Mrs. McCabe's combination of veteran pro-life activism and her prayerful love of the Holy Spirit gave me confidence to welcome her initiative. May many become Prayer Warriors for Life!"
Although the program is developing, at the least the monthly program of the Prayer Warriors for Life will be to pray the Rosary for Life as well as the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. For more information, kindly call Mrs. McCabe at (845) 338-9306.
"This step forward for our parish only furthers the outstanding commitment of Presentation-Sacred Heart Parish to the pro-life cause," stated Fr. Rojas, "in light of the decades of involvement by parishioners and the leadership provided by Fr. Carl Johnson, my predecessor of happy memory, and our renewed intensity during these last several months."