All Saints Day is
not a holy day of obligation this year, Holy Mass will be offered on
Monday, November 1st at 11 a.m . at Sacred Heart Church at Esopus. On that day, the Church acclaims all the saints, both canonized and uncanonized, in Heaven.
All Souls Day follows on Tuesday, November 2nd. The
Holy Souls of Purgatory become our focus for the rest of November.
Holy Mass will be offered on Tuesday at 8 a.m. and 11 a.m. (Sacred Heart) and later at Presentation at
6:30 p.m. Why? Because most people do
not go straight to Heaven at the moment of death. Of those people who
do go to Heaven, the overwhelming majority must
first undergo an experience of purgation (a.k.a.
Purgatory) before being able to enter the perfection and bliss of God Himself (that state of being is known as
Heaven). On the other hand, the state of
eternal separation from God and its resulting woes is known as
Hell. Let us
avoid going to Hell by rejecting sin and pursuing a life pleasing to God in prayer, word, and deed. Thank God for the sacraments of
Confession and
Anointing of the Sick!
We Catholics pray for the dead because
God is the Judge and we are not. Let us not presume God's mercy but rather seek it for the dead as well as the living, as commended to us in
2 Maccabees 12:43-46. Thus, we will place on our altars your
All Souls Dayenvelopes with an offering inside and the names of your beloved dead (it would be good to include "Souls in Purgatory" in your list too) throughout November. Prayer for the dead is a
Spiritual Work of Mercy. The
earlier that you get your completed envelopes to us, the
more time they will be placed on our altars for the graces of the Masses offered on our altars. However, we will accept completed envelopes all the way until November 30th. For more information, kindly call 845/331-0053 or 845/384-6828 or write us at
[email protected] .
"Oh my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of Hell; lead all souls to Heaven especially those who are in most need of Your mercy. Amen." (Fatima Prayer)