"At a time when popular culture offers more anti-heroes than heroes to American youth, Penelope Rose incarnates Catholic faith, pro-life convictions, and fortitude," asserted Fr. Arthur Rojas, administrator of Presentation-Sacred Heart Parish. The Religious Education program at our parish was the first parish in Ulster County to invite Miss Rose to share her experiences, even in the face of death threats, as she helped to start and maintain a pro-life club at her public high school over the last few years. As Miss Rose made her debut as a speaker in such venues, the 17 year old maiden responded with poise to questions from catechists and students alike. "Consistent with the spirituality of our parish, at our Religious Education Program we aim to foster the sense that our Catholic faith is to be lived and shared in the public square as well as in our private lives," stated Fr. Rojas. Miss Rose is a parishioner of St. Mary & St. Andrew Church at Ellenville, New York.